BGreen Distribution; a certified distributor of multiple ancillary brands including Integra Boost, Rokin Vapes, MangoCaps, Dispoze-A-Bowl, and Wax Off. We choose to BGreen and pick as many environmentally friendly brands as possible. Integra Boost is a 99% biodegradable option that is far superior than its competitors. Our team is made of Plant over Pill advocates and outspoken leaders in the community! We are happy to partner with other advocacy groups and all those fighting to provide access to plant medicine to all especially veterans, those seeking medical treatment and anyone trying to fight opioid addiction.
Why BGreen??
Why BGreen?? 〰️
I was lead to the cannabis industry after a near fatal car accident. I had 150 stitches in one side of my face and was placed on a morphine drip every 8 minutes. I was then prescribed numerous pain killers for almost 3 1/2 years and was up to 28 ibuprofen a day when I was out of opioids. I found myself addicted and having significant health issues at 23. I had only used Cannabis recreationally and did not know its ability to help. I was introduced to Cannabis as medicine by a friend, and it instantly made a significant change to my quality of life. I have a history of sales and wanted to find a product I believe in to find a career that made a difference. I wanted to sell products that helped the industry and did not have a long-term effect on the planet. That is why I ultimately decided that my flagship brand would be Integra Boost Products! I have compiled a group of likeminded people that believe in Plant over Pill medicine to help gain access for all in need. BGreen is focused on delivering quality products at a great price and to support the local community both with financial support and be an advocacy group for those without a voice!